Nooo! I am a Goner!

Well, its May and I need to have a whack on the head and start to revise. My Mum decided to take away the computer, laptop, ipod, DSi and the wii just so that we can revise. THAT'S NOT FLIPPING FAIR!! I mean I spend once a day on the laptop but every thing else. Oh no, I am going to die from boredom for the next one or two months.

Nothings new, the basement is getting remodel by a guy next door called 'A'. Don't ask me why his name is like that, my parents call him 'A' but his nickname that my family call him is 'ABC'. Oh and I am also starting an Owl drawing which is going to take me a very long time to finish considering I got a very short attention span to these stuff.

Got to go, school tomorrow.
